31 Mayıs 2010 Pazartesi

[Uidb_genel] Yeni COST Aksiyonlari

Uidb_genel mailing list
> Subject: [Uidb_genel] Yeni COST Aksiyonlari
> Degerli Arastirmacilarimiz,
> Ulkemizin 1971 yilindan bu yana uyesi bulundugu COST (European
> Cooperation in Science and Technology); ulusal olarak desteklenen
> arastirma projelerinin yururtuculerinin Avrupa duzeyinde olusturulmus
> networke dahil olmalarini saglamaktadir. COST programinin ulkemizdeki
> bilimsel koordinasyonu ve finansmani TUBITAK tarafindan yurutulmektedir.
> COST programi kapsamindaki COST 2009-2 donemi acik cagrilari sonucunda,
> COST Ust Duzey Temsilciler Komtiesi (COST CSO) tarafindan 25 Mayis
> 2010'da kabul edilen aksiyonlarin listesi ekte yer almaktadir.
> Ilgilendiginiz Aksiyona dahil olmak, Aksiyon Yonetim Komitesi (Action
> Management Committee-MC) uyesi olarak atanabilmek ve anilan Aksiyonun
> yonetim komitesi toplantilarina katilabilmek icin asagida yer alan
> surecleri izlemeniz gerekmektedir:
> Turkiye'nin ulke olarak belirli bir aksiyona katilimi (ilgili aksiyonun
> MoU'sunun imzalanmasi) soz konusu aksiyonla ilgili TUBITAK tarafindan
> desteklenmis bir arastirma projesiyle mumkundur. Ilgi alaniniza giren
> herhangi bir COST aksiyonuna dahil olmak icin oncelikle TUBITAK'a
> (arastirma destegi de talep edebileceginiz), bir proje onerisi sunmaniz
> gerekmektedir. Bunun icin: www.tubitak.gov.tr/uidb/cost adresindeki Fon
> Mekanizmasi, Basvuru ve Degerlendirme Sureci linkinden Genel Bilgiler ve
> Proje Oneri Formu dokumanini incelemeniz ve icinden proje basvurusu icin
> gerekli belgeleri indirerek ilgilendiginiz COST aksiyonu MoU'su
> cercevesinde doldurmaniz ve asagidaki adrese elden ya da posta yoluyla
> iletmeniz gerekmektedir. Aksiyonun MoU'suna www.cost.esf.org adresli
> sayfadaki Actions secenegine ilgilendiginiz aksiyonun kodunu girerek
> aksiyonun web sayfasindan ulasabilirsiniz.
> Proje onerinizin TUBITAK Arastirma Gruplarindaki degerlendirme sureci
> tamamlandiktan sonra desteklenmesine karar verilirse ve iligili Aksiyona
> katilim icin Turkiye'ye taninan iki kisilik kota dolmamis ise, proje
> yurutucusu olarak tarafimizca elektronik ortamda ilgili Aksiyona
> Management Committee (MC) uyesi olarak atamaniz yapilmaktadir . MC uyesi
> olarak atanmanizdan sonra, ilgili aksiyona resmi katilim islemleri
> tarafimizca baslatilmakta ve proje sozlesmesi imzalanmaktadir. Turkiye
> olarak bir aksiyon cercevesinde TUBITAK'ta yurutulen bir proje olmadan
> resmi olarak aksiyona katilim islemleri (MoU imzalanmasi islemi)
> gerceklestirilememektedir. MC uyesi arastirmacilarimizin seyahat
> masraflari COST tarafindan kisiye geri odenmektedir.
> Halihazirda TUBITAK tarafindan desteklenen ve aksiyonun konusuyla uyumlu
> bir ulusal projeniz olmasi durumunda, yeni bir proje onermek yerine, bu
> projeyi COST projesine donusturmeniz de mumkun olabilmektedir. Bu
> secenek ile ilgili bilgileri de www.tubitak.gov.tr/uidb/cost adresindeki
> COST Hakkinda Sikca Sorulan Sorular linkinden inceleyebilirsiniz.
> Daha detayli bilgi icin asagidaki iletisim bilgilerinden bize
> ulasabilirsiniz.
> Bilgilerinize saygilarimizla sunariz.
> --
> Uluslararasi Isbirligi Daire Baskanligi
> Ikili ve Coklu Iliskiler Mudurlugu
> Ataturk Bulv. No. 221 Kavaklidere / ANKARA
> Tel : +90 312 427 50 39
> +90 312 468 53 00 / 2780
> Faks : +90 312 427 74 83
> E-mail : uidb@tubitak.gov.tr

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21 Mayıs 2010 Cuma

FW: [Uidb_genel] TUBITAK-ARRS (Slovenya) Ortak Proje Cagrisi

Uidb_genel mailing list

Subject: [Uidb_genel] TUBITAK-ARRS (Slovenya) Ortak Proje Cagrisi

Degerli Arastirmacilarimiz,

Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) ile Slovenya Arastirma Kurumu (ARRS) arasindaki isbirligi cercevesinde 2011-2013 yillarinda ortak arastirma projeleri desteklenecektir. Program cercevesindeki proje onerilerinin 30 Temmuz 2010 tarihine kadar TUBITAK Uluslararasi Isbirligi Daire Baskanligi - Ikili ve Coklu Iliskiler Mudurlugu'ne teslim edilmesi gerekmektedir.

Anilan programa iliskin duyuruya ve proje oneri formlarina asagida belirtilen internet adresinden ulasilabilmektedir:





TUBITAK Uluslararasi Isbirligi Daire Baskanligi (UIDB)

Ikili ve Coklu Iliskiler Mudurlugu

Tunus Cad. No. 80

06100 Kavaklidere- ANKARA

Tel.: (0312) 427 50 39- (0312) 468 53 00/4005

Faks: (0312) 427 74 83

e-posta: uidb@tubitak.gov.tr <mailto:uidb@tubitak.gov.tr>


Your E-mail and More On-the-Go. Get Windows Live Hotmail Free. Sign up now.

20 Mayıs 2010 Perşembe

International Scholarships from Scholarship-Positions.com May 21, 2010

New Scholarships from Scholarship-Positions.com May 20, 2010
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New Castle University Scholarships for International Students, UK

Job Description: Newcastle University offers International Postgraduate Scholarship called New Castle University International Postgraduate Scholarship(NUIPS. Over 100 new Newcastle University International Postgraduate Scholarship (NUIPS) awards. These are available for international students starting their studies in September 2010, in the 2010-11 academic year. Each scholarship will have a value of £1,500 per year, payable towards [...]

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MBA Scholarships for Developing Countries at Cyprus Republic,Cyprus
Job Description: The Republic of Cyprus is offering up to a total of sixteen (16) full scholarships of 12-months duration to study for the attainment of the Master in Business Administration (MBA) or Master in Public Sector Management (MPSM)* title for the academic year 2010-2011. The Universities taking part in the scheme are: the Cyprus [...]

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Fulbright African Research Scholar Program (FARSP),Africa
Job description: We are now open for the 2011-2012 Fulbright African Research Scholar Program (FARSP) Two categories of grants are offered in the FARSP: research grants and program and curriculum development grants. Research Grants: Awards of 3 to 9 months are offered for African university faculty or research institute professionals to conduct research in any academic discipline at [...]

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The Goi Peace Foundation and UNESCO Awards for Young People, Japan
Job description: Organized by The Goi Peace Foundation and UNESCOEndorsed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan Japanese National Commission for UNESCO, Japan Broadcasting Corporation, Nikkei Inc., Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education The United Nations has designated 2001-2010 as the "International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of [...]

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Otago Postgraduate Awards 2011, New Zealand
Job Description :Postgraduate Awards are awarded by the University Council, on the recommendation of the Senate, to candidates in the first year of their thesis research for a Master's degree. Tenure of a Postgraduate Award by a Master's degree student is for one year, or until the thesis is submitted, (whichever period is the shorter.) [...]

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SMARTGraduate Fellowship 2010, Singapore
Job Description : The Singapore Ministry of Education has established 100 four-year fellowships for new doctoral students at NTU or NUS who will conduct their research at the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology Centre (SMART Centre). The establishment of this Fellowship Programme is intended to attract to NTU and NUS the best and most talented [...]

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Hungarian Government Scholarships 2010-2011 for International Students
Job Description: Call for applications for foreigners for Hungarian state scholarships Through the Hungarian Scholarship Board Office, the Hungarian Minister of Education and Culture offers scholarships for foreign students and professors of higher education institutions as well as research fellows who intend to gain further professional experience in Hungarian institutions of higher education or research. Scholarships can [...]

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[International] Master Scholarships in Japan, Syiria, China, Tunisia

Job Description: MS Programme is designed to enhance the capacity of developing countries to manage their drylands resources. It is intended to provide young professionals and scientists an international perspective on resource management approaches in drylands. Students enrolled in the 2010-2011 programme will attend a 4-week intense course at CAREERI facilities in Lanzhou, China from 13 [...]

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Manmohan Singh Undergraduate Scholarship 2010/2011 University of Cambridge

Job Description: University of Cambridge Manmohan Singh Undergraduate Scholarships announced for 2010 Three outstanding students from Bangalore, Kolkata and Mumbai are destined to receive the 2010 Manmohan Singh Undergraduate Scholarship to fund their undergraduate studies at the University of Cambridge. The Manmohan Singh Undergraduate Scholarship programme was established in 2009 in honour of India's Prime Minister who [...]

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Scholarships for Eastern Europe Citizens 2010,UK

Job Decsription: Undergraduate scholarships for Eastern Europe citizens are offered by Edinburg University, UK in collaboration with Coca Cola Company. The scholarships offered are in any subject study. The scholarship will cover the full tuition fees and an annual maintenance allowance of £5,000 and will be tenable for the duration of the programme of study. The [...]

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PhD positions are available at the Jagiellonian University,Poland

The programme is designed to improve the standard of scientific research conducted at the Faculty of Chemistry by outstanding researchers in the course of preparing their doctoral dissertations, and to intensify international co-operation. The programme aims to train future scientists able to work in highly competitive environment and with abilities to work across disciplines. For this [...]

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Evarts A. Graham Memorial Traveling Fellowship 2011-2012 in USA

Job Description: The Evarts A. Graham Memorial Traveling Fellowship was established in 1951 by the American Association for Thoracic Surgery. Funded and administered through its Graham Education and Research Foundation, the Fellowship grant supports study by young cardiothoracic surgeons from outside North America at sites of their choice within North America and include travel between [...]

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PhD position in the research group for Climatology, Climate Dynamics and Climate Change at Justus-Liebig University of Giessen,Germany

We seek for a highly motivated PhD student in the 3 year funded DFG (German Science Foundation) -project "Historical Climatology of the Middle East based on Arabic sources back to AD 800". This is a common project with Prof. Dr. R. Glaser (University of Freiburg). It aims at using arabic sources to reconstruct past climate including [...]

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FULBRIGHT Bulgarian-American Commission for Educational Exchange 2011-2012

Job Description: The Hubert H. Humphrey Program was initiated in 1978 to honor the memory and accomplishments of the late Senator and Vice President, Hubert H. Humphrey. Since 1978 more than 3000 Fellows from over 140 countries have participated in the program. The program provides mid-career professionals in the private and public sector with [...]

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Bolsas de Estudo para Aperfeiçoamento Profissional nos Estados Unidos – THE HUBERT H. HUMPHREY FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM 2011/2012,Brazil

Job Description: O Programa oferece bolsas de estudos nos Estados Unidos para profissionais brasileiros do setor público e do terceiro setor (ONGs) em meio de carreira, preferencialmente empreendedores socials, com comprovado potencial de liderança e atuantes nas áreas de: • Desenvolvimento e Economia Agrícola; • Direito (com foco em Direitos Humanos); • Drogas (Educação, Prevenção e Tratamento); • Manejo [...]

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Bursaries to Assist with Child-Care Costs to UK and EU Students who are Returning to Higher Education at the University of Edinburgh,UK

Job Description: The University is offering six bursaries intended to assist with child-care costs to UK and EU students who are returning to Higher Education study at the University of Edinburgh after a break of at least 3 years. The bursaries will have a maximum value of £3,000 per annum. Bursaries will be awarded for [...]

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Travel and Writing Bursaries The Australian Historical Association (AHA) with he Copyright Agency Limited (CAL), Australia

Job Description: Overview The Australian Historical Association (AHA) in association with the Copyright Agency Limited (CAL) is pleased to announce the availability of ten Travel and Writing Bursaries linked to this year's AHA conference to be held at the University of Western Australia and Notre Dame, 5–9 July 2010. Bursaries The bursaries are intended to encourage and support [...]

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PhD position – NANOVATION – Innovative industrial exploitation of nanotechnology,Denmark

An international research project is being established in collaboration between the Department of Micro and Nanotechnology (DTU Nanotech) and partners within industry as well as academia. The aim of the PhD position is to develop systematic methodologies for shape optimization of nanostructured surfaces, to characterize and compare different structuring approaches in terms of performance and [...]

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PhD position – "NanoBITS – Exchangeable and Customizable Scanning Probe Tips",Denmark

An international research project is being established in collaboration between the Department of Micro and Nanotechnology(DTU Nanotech) and a range of european companies and academic partners. The aim is to develop a new, highly flexible type of scanning probe tips for advanced microscopy, where the tip morphology can be accurately shaped to [...]

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Fulbright-Stipendien 2010-2011 für Doktoranden, USA

Job Description: Informationen zum Stipendium Das Fulbright-Programm ermöglicht den akademischen Austausch zwischen den USA und mehr als 180 Ländern weltweit. Gegründet 1946 und benannt nach dem amerikanischen Senator J. William Fulbright verfolgt das Austauschprogramm dessen Vision „that education is the best means (…) by which nations can cultivate a degree of objectivity about each other´s behaviour [...]

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PhD position in cell-biology at ETH Zürich,Switzerland
The Kroschewski and Barral groups study the role and mechanisms of cellular diversity in cellular communities, using mammalian cells in the context of tissues (Kroschewski), and yeast cells (Barral). During the formation of organ substructures like cysts the establishment of cell polarity needs to be well coordinated between cells. Preliminary data indicate that [...]

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Graduate Research Assistant, Instructional Science & Technology, USA

Job Description : Join an interdisciplinary team studying the effects of innovative, on-line, media-rich teaching supports that are embedded in an inquiry-based math and science curriculum for at-risk Pre-Kindergarten students. MyTeachingPartner Math/Science focuses on encouraging high quality teacher-child interactions in the context of authentic mathematics and science experiences for young children (www.mtpmathscience.net/about/index.php). The graduate research assistant(s) [...]

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PhD student position in the CALIPHO group,Switzerland

A PhD student position is available in the CALIPHO group (Computational Analysis and Laboratory Investigation of Proteins of Human Origin) affiliated both to the Geneva University and to the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics. The CALIPHO group research combines molecular and cellular biological methods, in vivo experiments on model organisms and bioinformatics in order to decipher [...]

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Post-Doc Position in Laboratory for HepatoPancreatoBiliary and Transplant Surgery, Switzerland

Position: Post-Doc Position (full time position) Institution: Department of Visceral and Transplant Surgery (Prof Clavien P-A), University Hospital Zurich, Raemistrasse 100, CH-8091 Zurich Laboratory: The laboratory of hepatopancreatobiliary and transplant surgery is active in different fields of research. Traditionally our interest has been in liver ischemia/reperfusion injury and in liver regeneration after hepatectomy. We [...]

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PhD Student Position in Laboratory for HepatoPancreatoBiliary and Transplant Surgery,Zurich,Switzerland

Institution: Department of Visceral and Transplant Surgery (Prof Clavien P-A), University Hospital Zurich, Raemistrasse 100, CH-8091 Zurich Laboratory: The laboratory of hepatopancreatobiliary and transplant surgery is active in different fields of research. Traditionally our interest has been in liver ischemia/reperfusion injury and in liver regeneration after hepatectomy. We have a special interest in [...]

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Talented Athlete Scholarship Scheme in 2010/11,Britain

Applications are invited from fencers who wish to be considered for the Talented Athlete Scholarship Scheme in 2010/11. Any fencer previously on the TASS scheme, and still eligible, must reapply. To be eligible, fencers must be aged between 17 and 24 and must be in full-time education from 1st September 2010 to 31st July 2011. They [...]

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BLDE university scholarship 2010, New Delhi

Job Description: B.L.D.E. University invites Application for ALL INDIA UNDER GRADUATE MEDICAL ENTRANCE TEST 2010 (BLDEU-UGET-2010) from eligible Candidates at SHRI. B. M. PATIL MEDICAL COLLEGE, HOSPITAL & RESEARCH CENTRE, BIJAPUR the constituent college situated at the University campus. Admission will be made in accordance with admission policy of BLDE University which have been framed as [...]

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Bachelor of Science in Nursing Scholarship, Sacromento

Job Description: Students who have been accepted or enrolled into a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program. An awardee may receive up to $10,000 for this scholarship. Awardee commits to practicing direct patient care in a medically underserved area (MUA) of California for two-years. Note: When you click on the application link you will notice that some [...]

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Australian Leadership Awards (ALA) Scholarships 2010 2011, Australia

Job Description: The Australian Leadership Awards (ALA) aim to develop leadership and build partnerships and linkages within the Asia-Pacific, while addressing priority development issues of the region. The ALA program comprises ALA Scholarships and ALA Fellowships. These awards are for leaders or those who have potential for leadership roles that can influence social and economic [...]

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The Goodman Derrick LLP Undergraduate Scholarship 2010 for International Students in UK

Job Description: Introduction: The Goodman Derrick LLP Scholarship is For an undergraduate student in the School of Law and may be used to pay tuition fees, maintenance, accommodation and living costs as the recipient wishes. The scholarship will be paid to the chosen recipient by the University at the beginning of each academic year. Eligibility: • For an undergraduate student [...]

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Scholarship Programme for Diaspora Children from The Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs, Noida

Job Description: Introduction The Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs (MOIA), Government of India, launched a scheme called the "Scholarship Programme for Diaspora Children" (SPDC), in the academic year 2006-2007, for the wards of Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs) and Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) to assist them in pursuing Under Graduate University Education in India. EdCIL (India) Limited, a [...]

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HuMPA Postgraduate Research Scholarships 2010, UK
This year we are awarding up to four full-time PhD studentships to commence on 1 October 2010. The awards will pay Home/EU fees and a stipend for a total of 36 months. Opportunities for teaching or other relevant experience in higher education will be available to successful candidates, but the award is not dependent [...]

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Paine College,ADP Scholarship,USA

Paine College is pleased to offer the Automatic Data Processing (ADP) Scholarship for students majoring in a science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM) area – Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology Education or Mathematics Education. These scholarships are designed to help students attend college to become highly- qualified mathematics and science teachers as well as science professionals [...]

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Postgraduate PhD positions with fellowship,University of Rome "La Sapienza"

Job Description : The University of Rome "La Sapienza" offers twenty three year full-time postgraduate PhDpositions with fellowship for attaining the degree of "Dottore di Ricerca" (PhD) in the Doctoral Schools listed in appendix(http://www.uniroma1.it/documenti/studenti/laureati/dottorati/2010PhD_Appendix1.pdf) Each fellowship amounts to € 19.800,00 per year; this amount includes national insurancecontributions (INPS) that fellowship recipients are required to pay (8,91% [...]

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Hachette UK Publishing Scholarship,UK

Hachette UK is offering a fee-waiver bursary of £1,500 to a full-time or part-time student at the Oxford International Centre for Publishing Studies on the MA in Publishing, International Publishing, Publishing and Language, or Digital Publishing. The student will also receive the guarantee of a work placement for a minimum of three weeks at a [...]

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Economic Challenge Investment Funding for Postgraduate Scholarships,Oxford brookes university,UK

In these challenging times, it is important that individuals remain competitive and are able to respond flexibly to the changes in the employment market. With that in mind, the Graduate School at Oxford Brookes University is pleased to offer a number of scholarships to enable individuals to up-skill or change career direction, in order to [...]

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John Henry Brookes Scholarships,UK

John Henry Brookes Scholarships for full-time taught master?s degree courses. Awards are paid towards the cost of the full-time tuition fee for a masters degree beginning in September 2010. All Scholarships are for a period of one year only and the scholarships do not include a maintenance grant. Conditions and Eligibility: • You must have accepted a place [...]

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Macmillan Publishing Scholarship,UK

Macmillan is offering a fee-waiver bursary of £750 to a full-time or part-time student at the Oxford International Centre for Publishing Studies on the MA in Publishing, International Publishing, Publishing and Language, Digital Publishing or the European Master in Publishing for the academic year commencing September 2010. The Publishing Scholarship will be awarded on the basis [...]

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MSc Marine Transport Scholarships , UK

Job Description : This award has been funded by the North of England P&I Club (NEPIA) to mark a long standing successful link between Newcastle University and the P&I Marine Insurance group. This funding may be available to UK students on the MSc Marine Transport with Management programme Eligibility This scholarship is designed for students from [...]

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Santander Scholarships 2010-11,Oxford Brookes University,UK

Santander is awarding postgraduate scholarships to new Masters students at Oxford Brookes on an annual basis. This year up to 5 awards of £5,000 will be made to students starting their programmes in September 2010. Successful applicants will also receive a further 10% discount on their tuition fees from Oxford Brookes. The scholarship fund aims to [...]

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Scholarships for "Doctoral School in Brain and Cognitive Sciences" in University of Trento,Italy

Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) makes available three scholarships at the "Doctoral School in Brain and Cognitive Sciences – COBRAS" of the University of Trento, in the "Language, Interaction and Computation Programme". The grants and their topics are as follows: • n. 1 grant for the topic "Multiple-user interfaces", financed by the Fondazione Bruno Kessler; • n. 1 grant [...]

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Oxford International Centre for Publishing Studies Scholarship (International),UK

The Oxford International Centre for Publishing Studies is offering a fee-waiver bursary of £1,500 to a full-time or part-time International student on the MA in Publishing, International Publishing, Publishing and Language, Digital Publishing or the European Master in Publishing for the academic year commencing September 2010. The Scholarship will be awarded on the basis of a [...]

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Monbukagakusho Undergraduate Scholarships for Canadian Students, Japan

Job Description: The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Monbukagakusho) of the Government of Japan offers scholarships to Canadian students who wish to pursue studies at Japanese universities. Applications are made available at the Japan Information Centre, Consulate General of Japan in Toronto as outlined below. Fields of Study Those who wish to study in [...]

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SMART Graduate Fellowships 2010, Singapore

Job Description: The Singapore Ministry of education offers graduate fellowships at Nanyang Tecnological University (NTU) and National University of Singapore (NUS)for 2010. The Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA) Graduate Fellowship at SMART The Singapore Ministry of Education has established 100 four-year fellowships for new doctoral students at NTU or NUS who will conduct their research at the Singapore-MIT Alliance [...]

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ESRC/PIC Masters Studentship Scheme in Population Studies , UK
Job Description : The Population Investigation Committee (PIC) established a scholarship fund in 1996, perceiving that UK students were having difficulty in obtaining funding for the further study of demography beyond undergraduate level. In 2009, the ESRC & the PIC entered into a funding agreement for a five-year period to enable additional scholarships to be [...]

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Edinburgh Global Development Academy Master's Scholarships, UK

Job Description : The University of Edinburgh will offer 2 full Master's scholarships for students from less developed countries and 2 partial Master's scholarships for UK/EU students for eligible Master's programmes offered by the University. Scholarships will be available for students pursuing one of the following Global Development Academy programmes: • MSc Africa and International Development • MSc Environment and [...]

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The John H. Daniels Fellowships 2011/12, USA

Job description : The John H. Daniels Fellowship supports researchers at the National Sporting Library, a research center for horse and field sports, for periods of up to one year. Disciplines include history, literature, journalism, art history, anthropology, area studies, and history of sport. Eligibility:University faculty and graduate students; museum curators and librarians; and writers and [...]

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ASEAN Scholarships for Cambodia,Singapore

The ASEAN Scholarships for Cambodia is tenable for 4 years leading to the award of the Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education Advanced GCE A-Level (or equivalent) certificate. The Scholarship is for studies in selected Singapore schools from Secondary Three to Pre-University Two and is renewed annually, subject to the satisfactory performance of the scholar. Students from [...]

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Graduate Degree Fellowship Program -IIEF, Indonesia

Job Description :IEF in coorperation with the East-West Center is giving Master Degre Scholarship Program for individuals who are interested in joining the education and research program of University of Hawaii, Manoa to obtain their Masters Degree. Scholarship Details: This scholarship is available for Masters Degree (24 months) and Doctorate Degree (48 months). [...]

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Dublin City University Grants and scholarships, Ireland

Job-description:- DCU announces High Achievers Undergraduate and Postgraduate Scholarships for students from India and China. One Full Tuition Fee Scholarship and 5 Tuition Fee Scholarships worth €3,000 are available for new undergraduate students from India and P.R. of China commencing their studies in Dublin City University in September 2010. The undergraduate scholarships are for the first [...]

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Soudavar Fund Scholarships 2010-11-Iranian Graduate Students, UK

Job Description : The Soundavar Fund is a administered by the University of Oxford. It was endowed by Mr Fereydoon Soudavar in memory of his sons Alireza Soudavar (1945-1977) and Mohammad Soudavar (1946-1981). The Soudavar Fund aims to support Iranian graduate students. Who may Apply: Iranian Graduate Students. How to Apply: Apply at the same time as you apply [...]

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Junior Clinical Training Scholarship, University of Cambridge,UK

Department of Veterinary Medicine Limit of tenure: Available from 1 July 2010. 12 month post-graduate training programme. One year Junior Clinical Training Scholarship 13,800 tax-exempt Available from 1 July 2010 or as soon as possible thereafter Applications are invited from recently qualified veterinarians for this 12 month post-graduate training programme in all aspects of equine and farm animal studies. The [...]

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Job Description:- Gain an internationally recognised qualification and take your career to new heights. Under this exciting scholarship opportunity, you can achieve a Masters degree from one of the UK's top-ranked research universities. We are now looking for bright, talented and hard working individuals to live, work and study in Scotland in 2010. We are offering up [...]

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ASEAN Scholarships for Myanmar,Singapore

The ASEAN Scholarships for Myanmar is tenable for 4 years leading to the award of the Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education 'Advanced' (GCE 'A') Level (or equivalent) certificate. The Scholarship is for studies in selected Singapore schools from Secondary Three to Pre-University Two and is renewed annually, subject to the satisfactory performance of the scholar. Students from [...]

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British Council IELTS Scholarship,Tamilnadu

Job-description:- The British Council is delighted to announce the launch of the British Council IELTS Scholarship for Indian students planning to study at universities overseas. In line with its mission to promote the global sharing of knowledge and ideas, the British Council will select eight students from India, each of whom will receive an [...]

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Regional Centre For Biotechnology – Junior Research Fellowships, GURGAON

Job Description: Regional Centre for Biotechnology (RCB) is a newly established institution of education, training & research in the National Capital Region (NCR) of Delhi by the Dept. of Biotechnology, Govt, of India under an agreement with UNESCO. RCB is designed to be a Centre of excellence in biotechnology with intimate contributions from the countries [...]

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Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam

Job Description:Indira Gandhi Centre For Atomic Research (IGCAR), Kalpakkam is a premier research institute dedicated to the development of robust fast reactor technology based on intense multi-disciplinary research. IGCAR is empowering young, talented and motivated students to contribute to path-breaking discoveries in frontier areas of engineering'scientific research and cutting-edge technologies by offering Junior Research Fellowships. Applications [...]

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Indian Institute of Advanced Study Rashtrapati Nivas, Shimla

Job Description: Award of Fellowships 1. We invite applications for award of Fellowships for advanced research in the following areas: a. Social, Political and Economic Philosophy; b. Comparative Indian Literature (including Ancient, Medieval, Modern Folk and Tribal); c. Comparative Studies in Philosophy and Religion; d. Comparative Studies in History (including Historiography and Philosophy of History); e. Education, Culture, Arts including performing Arts [...]

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WFI International Fellowship Program,US

Job Description: For over a decade, the World Forest Institute (WFI) has offered a unique International Fellowship Program to professionals in natural resources–such as foresters, environmental educators, land managers, NGO practioners and researchers–to conduct a practical research project at the World Forestry Center in Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.. In addition to their specific research projects, Fellows [...]

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